Bolt giving up spikes for cleats?

Usain BoltThe “Jamaican Machine”, Usain “Lightning” Bolt now has a book out titled “Usain Bolt: 9.58″ in which he reveals serious plans to play for Manchester United Football Club (FC) in England.  He calls Man U, his “favorite team”. Bolt also loves playing cricket and has made that quite clear.

So does bolt plan to ditch his spikes for cleats? He is very serious in his love, perhaps the very reason he expects to retire from track in a few years.

Another option:  He could become the Worlds first 3-sport international star: running track, playing soccer for Manchester United, and playing cricket for the West Indies.  That’s an idea.

The reality

If Bolt is signed by Manchester United (or any other professional soccer team for that matter), it’s a public relations move only as we don’t expect Bolt to play any serious soccer at that level overnight.

What say you, Caribbean people?







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