Belief in God no longer cool

Can you believe it? Europe has become Humanists or so-called “free thinkers” and in some circles, “spiritualists”. America is fast behind. You know what happens when America sneezes? Caribbean countries catch the cold. So, it’s no surprise that Yawdies are becoming more and more humanists… Certainly, the percentage of people believing in spiritualism and/or the non-existence of a supreme being is far less in the islands than in America. It’s also far less in “the Bible belt” US states than the rest of America… Also, it’s less in America than parts of Europe.  Many of us have to hide the fact that we “still” have the belief in God because our numbers are dwindling daily and so is our strength.  Some of us “only have mouth” when we have large backing, then become “shamey dogs” when the backing dwindles…  Remember the Apostle Peter immediatley after Yeshua (Jesus) was arrested and taken?  Remember Jonah when asked to go to Nineveh?  Remember King Saul?  I mean, there are quite a number of references…

Some people I worked with, self-proclaimed atheists from Eurasia have pointed out that:

  • Many places in Europe have converted church buildings into clubs and restaurants.
  • Many college professors have said that people with high IQs typically do not believe in God
  • If you believe in Science you cannot believe in God. 
  • How comical they found it that a Christian zealot they knew was teaching Science in high school.  One felt this was hypocritical because he likened it believing the earth is flat with a ceiling we call the “sky” but going out and telling others that the earth is round and the sky is outer space.

Others (atheists and agnostics) have pointed out that:

  • Most of the problems in this world are caused by religious people, mainly religious Christian & Muslim zealots.
  • There are cases they know of where Christian people have brought food for starving people but wouldn’t serve it until the people listened to some long sermon.
  • The number of Christians who actually believe in God are dwindling as people become smarter.
  • M. Gandhi said he was turned away from a South African church service by a white woman because “his kind was not welcome there”.  He was Indian.
  • M. Gandhi said that he loves the man Christ but not so much the Christians because Christians are “so unChrist-like“.

Now, all the points above were refuted by me or explained.  I remember being surrounded by 4 so-called atheists who, while they didn’t attack me the individual, attacked me by attacking my belief/faith/common sense.  Let me tell you how I addressed each one, point-by-point.

  • Many places in Europe have converted church buildings into clubs and restaurants:  “I expect these types of things.  They were foretold close to 2000 years ago and beyond.”
  • Many college professors have said that people with high IQs typically do not believe in God: Well, thank God that I have a low IQ.”
  • If you believe in Science you cannot believe in God:  God is the author of  all Science.  If we believe the book but not the author of the book then we have issues.  Also if we believe a counterfeit Science (in the name of Evil-ution), we have issues. 
  • How comical they found it that a Christian zealot they knew was teaching Science in high school.   I wonder why you found that funny and hypocritical.  True Science and God or the belief in God NEVER contradict each other.
  • Most of the problems in this world are caused by religious people, mainly religious Christian & Muslim zealots: Add the atheist/agnostic zealots to the list and you have it 100% true.
  • There are cases they know of where Christian people have brought food for starving people but wouldn’t serve it until the people listened to some long sermon:  “I don’t know of those cases specifically so I cannot speak of that.  However, it comes as no surprise to me that many lose the message of Yeshua (Jesus) and do their own thing.  Yeshua himself predicted this misrepresentation would happen years ago.  He had told certain people he would tell them ‘I was hungry, naked, sick,… and you didn’t feed/clothe/visit me’ “.
  • The number of Christians who actually believe in God are dwindling as people become smarter. “Also correct. Paul talked about this a lot.  People will become lovers of themselves more than God.  They will claim they are wise and become fools.  They will do things and justify themselves.  God will leave them to their reprobate minds… so they continue to sin, deceive many, and act self-righteous.  King David called people who don’t believe in God FOOLS.”
  • M. Gandhi said he was turned away from a South African church service by a white woman because “his kind was not welcome there”.  He was Indian.: Yep, most people who supported apartheid, slavery, separation, murder, stealing, the KKK, etc., were so-called Christians.  Messiah (Christ) said that many would claim they are His but are not.  He said many will become speakers of the Word than doers of the Word.  I liken them to the Pharisees and Scribes in Yeshua’s earthly days.  Hypocrites!!!
  • M. Gandhi said that he loves the man Christ but not so much the Christians because Christians are “so unChrist-like“.  Also correct and expected.  But let me just add that I would be wary of Christendom and the believe in a loving God, if everything spoken about and by Him in history was overturned in the present day.  For instance, He said, ‘heavens & earth would pass before My word change… broad is the way that lead to destruction.  Narrow is the way that lead to paradise…’ If you think about that, it means it’s easier to do wrong and more people are doing wrong than what’s right.  If what you expected (more doing right than wrong) was to happen, it would contradict the Bible and Yeshua’s words.”

A lady, Marilyn Adamson, who claimed to be a one-time atheist, wrote a provocative piece entitled “Does God Exist?” that you can check out at  After reading the article, you sure will have a lot to discuss with your family, bredren, sistren, coworkers, classmates, etc.

In closing, let me say that while it’s no longer cool to believe in God, I’m happy being in the dwindling “uncool crowd” of believers. 

My Yawdie bredren and sistren, where do you stand?  Please comment on this post.





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